July 11, 2014
with all the wonderful creatures of the sea, there are a few terrestrial and
avian creatures that are fun to watch, or watch out for. We have tarantulas all over, seeing lots of
holes in the hillside where they hide.
We have scorpions that love to come out of the holes in the stairs at
night. There are many varieties of
hummingbirds flitting all over and hanging out at the birdfeeders for them as
well as crows, and frigate birds soaring on the winds.
I found a dead snapper in the sea grass beds
and brought it back for Rob to use with his Mantis shrimp research but he
decided against using it so I tossed it back in the water and the frigate birds
decided to scoop it up, fighting over it in the air, dropping it, picking it
up, over and over again, until one finally flew off with it. It was a sight to see.
Went back to check the SE
near shore area (by the base camp) to check on the movement of the previously
marked Flamingo Tongues. About 1/3 – ½
of them were still on the same fan. Some
had moved to other fans or corals, most of the time no further than 1.5m and
sometimes as close as only 6 cm to the next coral. Others were unable to be found on their
original fan, in the sediment or any fans near.
Saw a huge purplish
Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber close to 30 cm long (yes, that is their name), some
different colored, fairly large cowfish and a burr fish, as well as the usual
multicolored parrot fish, jellies and various other fish as well as a purple
Sponge Brittle Star wrapped around a gorgonian branch coral.
Squirrel Fish
My little juvenile Flamingo Tongue.