Friday, July 21, 2023

Shooting stars and a wrinkly octopus

 Today is our last day on the island and we have all been reminiscing. Every night Katie and I go onto the dock to look at the stars, bioluminscence or whatever else we might find. Last night we saw a shooting star! The sky here is very clear, without much light pollution. Dr Gilchrist asked us at dinner last night what the most surprising thing about the island was. For me, it was how wrinkly octopuses are. Having seen at least three different individuals over my time here, I have come to appreciate their wrinkles. In terms of bug bite updates, I am proud to announce that I am still mosquito bite free! HOWEVER this does not mean I am bug bite free. There are three types of sand fleas on the island. One in the morning, one during the day and one at night. I am bearing the marks of all three types on my legs. I also got stung by something in the water, so I have a very nice welt on my shoulder and down my leg. Luckily it is getting much better and is not painful.

In terms of our daily activities, we have been busy as usual. Yesterday Bertolo took us back to Lion's head where we went snorkeling. The first thing we saw was an eagle ray!! Finally!! It made us feel like the trip has really started to wrap up, after seeing the boa and the eagle ray. Katie and I had a lot of fun diving down deep and swimming in between the rocks. After taking lots of photos and exploring as much as possible, we headed back to the island. 

The rest of our morning and afternoon was spent working on slideshow presentations for our final project. Unfortunately the internet went down around lunchtime, so we didn't have the most polished presentations. Regardless, we presented to each other after dinner. It was very rewarding to show the work we had been doing for the past few weeks came to a closing point. Everyone's projects were very well put together and thought out. 

Today, we are finishing up some schoolwork, packing and going snorkeling for the last time. We are resting up and getting ready for two long travel days. I have been keeping a spreadsheet of our meals, and so far we have had 51% bean meals. I will give you the final update on Sunday, but I expect it will be somewhat similar. 

Katie and Isabelle together in one photo?!

Isabelle floating... (not dead)

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