Saturday, July 14, 2018

the lighthouse

              Lauren took Dr. Gilchrist's friend Dr. Teresa, Ben, and I up to the lighthouse on the island. The hike wasn't that bad, it just had a couple of hills but didn't take a long time. The lighthouse was very pretty and also very tall. Lauren told us we could climb to the top and opened the door to reveal an old looking ladder that went to the top. Ben was looking a tad nervous by this point and decided he didn't feel comfortable climbing to the top which was probably the safest option. The rest of us being insane climbed to the top. I never realized you needed to much upper body strength to climb a ladder. The view at the top was worth the pain because you could see the entire island. The water looked super blue from up there. It was a little spooky because the bottom felt rusted and there were big holes. We did a quick photo shoot and then decided to head back down. This was a little easier except when you are going down, if there is a person above you, then the light gets blocked and its dark and you just have to hope you won't slip and die. In the end we survived and it was a lot of fun.
The Lighthouse

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