Sunday, July 15, 2018

Tube within a Tube?

Sorry for the lack of my action-packed blogs this week. LI have been remodeling my GI tract since watermelon supposedly thought it needed a new look (Death Counter +1).  But in all seriousness, it has been a week.  I went diving last Thursday to El Avion and lamb bay which was a ton of fun after I remembered that I will in fact not die when I go down 18 meters.

Drum Fish (PC Lauren)

El Alvion (PC Lauren)
 Now on to the food poisoning story.  While we Lauren, Teressa (A NCF Alumni), and I went diving there was some watermelon which was a nice refreshing snack since you all know that diving can wear a boi out. But, I was not aware at that time that the watermelon was at the end of its life and wanted us all to suffer and by all I mean Lauren and I.  So later that night during a good ol’ lecture on scientific review it hit like a tornado. I ran to the bathroom and a lot of unfortunate things happened that I would rather not put into text for obvious reasons. So, after that lecture I went up to Marena’s, Lauren’s, and Sandra’s room to grab some good medicine for what I thought at the time was an upset stomach from the beans and rice that I had eaten for dinner.  I stayed the night over at their room; running to the bathroom every 15 minutes because life sucks oh did I forget to mention that I thought dengue fever since I had a minor rash on my elbow and a 101.5 degree fever.  I stayed the next day in Marena’s bed because it was easier to kick her since Lauren was already dead from the same killer and Sandra fell out of a tree in the East village earlier that week.  I finally went back into the water on Saturday night to collect some more data on anemones  which was nice and refreshing especially since there were no barracuda in sight. 

Death Counter 12

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