Thursday, July 9, 2015


This moring we were able to go out and take a quick walk over to the edge by the firepit. There Dante showed us a beautiful looking fish. (Furiously looks up fish type) (Catches humming bird and then it escapes and then finally leaves the hang area) So I couldn't identify the fish because I was forgetting what type it was. And we also saw an EEL. A chain eel!!!! 

Moving on. 

I'm planning my research project on hermit crabs and where they reside, what types are out there, (4 types according to Dr. Gilchrist) and what coral type they prefer. It seems pretty straightforward. If I'm not able to have a semi-successful first day, I will change my idea to parrotfish coral preference, like which corals do the stoplight parrotfish eat most, etc.

Who knows. I need to get out there ASAP to do some work. But until then....

(Skip making two AWESOME coconut rings)

(Skip tasty pizza)

I went out to swim to look for hermit crabs and the boys (Thomas and Adam) roped me into going with them to explore. While they swam around I poked a couple hermit crabs and identified mostly the Dwarf Blues. Some stayed in the fire coral so I was not able to identify them.

After that was din dins and lecture time. The day ended with Natalie, Codee, Thomas, Mei-Jing, Grace, and I numbering and gluing shells for Dr. Gilchrist. It was a pretty lovely day. Before bed I read to Codee some common Spanish phrases and some things about corals in a funny voice that was very entertaining. 
-Olivia Van Housen

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