Tuesday, July 14, 2015

July 14

Today I went on a night dive with Mei-Jing and Grace! It was all of our first night dives and it was incredible. We all had flashlights and went with three dive masters (one for each of us :)). We got in the water right after the sunset and it was gorgeous. Diving when very little light comes through the water really forces you to pay attention to one thing at a time, whatever your flashlight can see at once. I saw a lot of different small creatures I have yet to see, like tiny crab and little fish. Each sponge and coral looked different too under such light. Shutting of your flashlight and just looking up/into the abyss was awesome. At the end, we all shut off our lights and played with the bioluminescence. Bioluminescence is the emission of light by marine vertebrates/invertebrates that are tiny and just hanging out in the water. When you move anything around it all sort of comes off the object all blue and lit up. It was dope, for lack of a more accurate term. We got back on the boat to go back and the light was broken. It was awesome to get to see the bright stars on the ride back in. No flash on the go  GoPro, so no pictures, but I assure you it was magnificent.

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