Monday, July 8, 2019

I conquered the Light House !

Today I went on a morning hike to the lighthouse for the second time but this time with some awesome New College crew to back me up.  On the way up for the first part of the trail, I got to be the hike trail master. Of course, I can´t beat the one and true hike master of this Island  - Naiden.
I will say that the hike up there was not as tiring as it was before. My legs seem to have gotten stronger since my initial hike. For the past couple of days, it was a bit exercise intensive with snorkeling to start my ¨Sponge Bob " project, paddle boarding, Hiking to the East Village, and etc.

Together, we climbed and got to the top of the lighthouse. I am not going to lie, it was a bit terrifying and tiring. ( I am a bit terrified of heights and I guess confined spaces. (?) Hmm.. maybe not. I think it was an unexpected factor to have had an effect on me while I was climbing up. ) Either way, I conquered it and had fun! I need to work on my upper body strength lol. But It was a worthwhile experience. Plus it's fun with other people. :) 

This won´t be the last time that I will see the lighthouse. I plan on doing another hike while I am still here.
I have completed my goal. Here is my completed tag. The C in Calle is a little bit invisible. But it's cool.
 Her is a view of the rest of the lighthouse structure down below. I have made it to the top. It sways side to side. Which is cool.

The view of the island is spectacular! I can´t wait to go back to the lighthouse and I can´t wait for more awesome adventures here!

                                                              Until then, 
                                                         Erika Calle

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