Monday, July 8, 2019

Panorama de Azul

Yesterday I started off the day with the goal of figuring out my research project. My previous idea didn't pan out because I found that the arrow crabs cleaner shrimp and corkscrew anemone that I wanted to research arent fount in too much abundance on the house reef which would make studying them difficult. I checked out the whole reef and didn't find anything that sparked my interest other than some cool elkhorn corals. So I thought I would go to the colorful dock pillars that had a bunch of different crabs corals and sponges attached to them. After looking at the pillars for a while it hit me. Why don't I just do my project on them and all the different kinds of inverts on them. So that's now what I'm doing, a study on the diversity of invertebrates found on the dock pillars.

Today we went on the hike to the lighthouse, if you can even call it that. I guess it was a lighthouse because it still has red and white stripes but at the top, there is no light. It wasn't that bad of a hike just really humid. Getting to the top of the lighthouse was pretty sketchy was its a 4 story ladder climb in a claustrophobia-inducing metal tube that's only big enough to fit you and your backpack. Once we got to the top it was a beautiful panorama of the ocean with the vibrant reef on the other side of the island.

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