Friday, July 12, 2019

Painting the Clouds Pink

Dear Diary,

Today I eat sand hoping it would be chewy but alas it was not. We ended up not finding any microplastics on and just of the shore of Cayos Cochinos. Most likely as a result of the protected cove this beach falls between. Another day we will be going to the other side of the island that is more exposed to the plastic carrying currents from the mainland to see the difference. I predict there will be a large difference as the beach cleanup that was done last week yielded so much plastic and trash that they couldn’t even get all of it in the bags they brought.

Yesterday was great. The day started off like any other, after breakfast I started going through the videos and pictures I took the day before of the organisms on the pilings I did not know to try to identify them. As I was searching the web for IDs and I found a site that IDs algae. You have never seen someone more excited to see an algae identification site. I used that site to identify 7+ algae that I had previously given up on or assumed were the same species.

Then sunset rolled around and for the first time we have been here the sunset bloomed with colors as storm clouds laid out a canvas for the sun’s orange, reds and pinks to be painted. I stayed out there snapping pictures until the sun had set as the mosquitos and no seems ravaged my ankles. And then to put the cherry on top of the day I walked back into the bar with chocolate cake waiting for me.

Just another day in paradise.

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